Chute Release Protector

This product will protect your expensive Chute Release that is manufactured by Jolly Logic.
It will protect your Chute Release from ejection charges that may get past your main chute protection.
It is made from Nomex and covers everything except where the rubber band and the pin are that go around the parachute so it provides as much protection as is possible while still being able to do it's job.
It's made from bright orange Nomex that will make it easier to spot if it were to become separated from the tether.
I personally had this happen at LDRS41 and was able to spot the Chute Release in the weeds due to the color!
I have also seen times where the case will open up and the electronic will fall out during the deployment and they are almost impossible to find once that happens. Since the protector is holding everything inside itself, the case is not able to open at all.
While not our cheapest product, it is labor intensive due to the small size it is more work that you might think, but still better than needing to buy another Chute Release due to damage or loss.
Chute Release Protector
This product will protect your expensive Chute Release that is manufactured by Jolly Logic.It will p..